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Old Baku Inner City lineage and ancestry.


  • Prominent Figures

  • Nobles

  • Renowned Families

  • Old Baku Intelligentsia

  • Genealogy


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Kitab-ulla Vahapoglu Ahundov


Article: A Man from Old Baku

Author: Nigar Musayeva

World of Azerbaijan 

December 2006 issue

in Russian, English and Turkish


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Prof. Saftar Mehdioglu Kuliyev


Author, Academic, Scientist

Inner City Bakuvian 



Read more: coming soon











Semiotic Analysis #3


Old City

Also known as the Inner City. Classified as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is the historical core of Baku, Azerbaijan. 


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Tofig Husein-zadeh

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Tofig Husein-zadeh

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